Purpose - Activities
The main objective of the Regional Development Fund of Attica is the management of the Public Investment Program (PIP) funds and other funding, which are related to the regional and special development programs of the region of the Attica Region.
Among its responsibilities is also the support of the Executive Committee's work, the Region's technical support in the field of studies and research, its cash management, participation in EU programs and other competences as described in the provisions which govern it.
Thus, RDF of Attica not only acts as an account manager of the Public Investment Program (PIP) projects, but also is making use of its potential for the implementation of European Programs and various studies and research, supports the development process in the region concerned. More specifically, according to Law 1905 of Law 3852/2010, the competences of the RDF of Attica are analyzed as follows:
1. The management of the public investment program, financing of public sector bodies and other legal entities, financing from programs of the European Union and other international organizations and other bodies abroad concerning the regional and local authorities special development programs of the Region. By way of exception to the current provisions on public investment, the Regional Development Fund is designated as the Administrator responsible for project payments at the expense of the Public Investment budget.
2. Supporting the work of the Executive Committee and its Directorate.
3. Supporting the developmental planning of larger spatial development departments, providing the necessary information to the relevant departments
4. Support the beneficiaries in the process of prioritizing the projects for their implementation, preparation and integration into the respective operational programs, as well as the support in their execution until their completion
5. Technical support of the region, particularly in the field of studies and research and implementation of programs to the Fund or the Region to make more efficient use of resources.
6. The exercise of its treasury management
7. The imposition, certification and collection of fees, rights and contributions to the Fund, following a decision of the Regional Council and approval by the Minister of the Interior, Decentralization and eGovernment.
8. Participation in European Union programs
9. The conclusion of loans with domestic and foreign financing institutions for the execution of projects, the provision of services and the implementation of programs
10. The provision of services, the conducting of surveys and the development of technical, economic and organizational studies, as well as the supervision and implementation of programs that are entrusted to the Fund by the Ministries, by the Region, by the Decentralized Administration, by municipalities and by Legal Entities
Our vision is that the Regional Development Fund of Attica is a key factor in the development of the Greek economy and the improvement of the competitiveness of the Greek public and private sector.
Our mission is to create the right conditions for the Greek citizen to feel that he has a decent level of quality of life in social and economic terms.
Our quality policy consists of:
In full satisfaction of the needs of our customers / citizens safely, sufficiency and reliability
We are committed to:
1. The provision of services of high value to the beneficiaries.
2. Full harmonization of our working methods with European and international requirements. 3. Keeping faithfully and improving the effectiveness of the quality and management systems we apply.
4. Full compliance with Greek and European legislation.
Critical success factors in our efforts to achieve our goals, to fulfill our mission and to realize our vision are:
1. Proper and effective communication between all departments, departments and employees
2. Teamwork to achieve common goals
3. The adoption of new and reliable technologies
4. Measuring, monitoring and evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of procedures and their improvement.
5. Homogenizing our processes and working methods.
6. Continuous education and information of all staff and their active participation in the achievement of the objectives.
7. Respecting Citizens, Employees, Governance, Environment and Public Property
To achieve this goal, the Service has developed and implemented a Quality Management System in line with the requirements of the international standard ISO9001: 2015. Our commitment to the above is universal and lasting and available to all stakeholders of our organization